Would you like to try SayWhat for free? Please register here:
The preview course takes about 30 minutes:
It contains 12 modules
You can take it in one session or start / stop the training at your convenience
You will have access for 1 month.
The full course takes 3+ hours and contains resources & personalised feedback from our tutors (this is not available in the
free preview course).
If you are a potential corporate customer and would like to try or buy the full version of SayWhat for your colleagues,
please complete the form here and one of our representatives will contact you.
Would you like to try SayWhat for free? Please register
The preview course takes about 30 minutes:
It contains 12 modules
You can take it in one session or start / stop the training
at your convenience
You will have access for 1 month.
The full course takes 3+ hours and contains resources &
personalised feedback from our tutors (this is not available
in the free preview course).
If you are a potential corporate customer and would like to
try or buy the full version of SayWhat for your colleagues,
please complete the form here and one of our
representatives will contact you.